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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Tube Launch Overview

OK, so what exactly is TubeLaunch, how does it work and how good is it?
We’ve seen the power of YouTube right? It’s easy to realize that if you know how to do it, you can make some money from it, TubeLaunch allows you to setup an easy way to do it:
You’re probably thinking that you’ll have to create some sort of original content and try to attract some viewers so you can make some money from ads right? No, that’s not it at all. It’s waaaayy easier, faster and more importantly, much more profitable.
This is 2013 and the TV is no longer the most powerful method for big companies to push their products and they’ve realized they need to reach the online audience to market their products. Their “problem” (our gain), is that they can’t just operate like they do in other advertising platforms and just pay the TV station to show their ads, they can do that to a certain extend but are very limited on what channels/videos they can show their ads and the duration… Far from capturing a good slice of the half of a billion viewers YouTube has so that’s where we can make our cash.
In a nutshell, TubeLaunch will show you the best way to make money on the internet which is by uploading videos from those big companies on YouTube.. Yeap, it kinda is that simple! “But how does it work Tom?”:
As you can imagine you can’t just start uploading some big company video and call them in a week asking for a check. There’s a bit more to it that Tube Launch teaches you which I found surprisingly easy, the inner works of the system are very, very simple.

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